Eugene's Page
English - Goa'uld
Ancient, Goauld - English Translations
English - Ancient/Goa'uld Translations
Ancient - English translations
English - Goa'uld translations
Goa'uld - English translations
English - Ancient translations

Acid used in torture - Tal'vak

Advanced - Hok

Advanced human - Hok'taur

Advise us - Quell shak

Against - Tok

Against Ra - Tok'ra

Assylum - Kal'ma

Attention! - Kree

Banished to oblivion - Hakoor kra terak shree

Beware - Kree tall

Bye - Kree sha

Challenge of leadership - Jona say kru

Cheers! - Shalme

Child - Kalmah

Child born of two Goa'uld - Harsesis

Close the doors - Ris'vi he'u

Come back to life - Semue

Come on - Tal'shak

Come on! - Bradio

Come with us? - Se'biu

Cool - Sheril'nocin

Correct! - Nafi

Damn - Mai'tac

Dead - Tao qua

Derogatory term meaning one's backside - Mikta

Derogatory word - Ha'taaka

Desert/treat on Chulak - Satta-Cake

Do it - Tal'shak

Do you want? - Bi'bo

Don't - Ne'nai

Earth - Tau'ri

End - Tyger

Everyone, look! - Niush nio

Extinct - Tel'ak

Falling star - Tal pat ryn

Finish! - Fi'nu

Flight control room on a Cheops class warship - Pel'tak

Fool - Hasshak (or Ha'shak)

Friends well met - Tek'ma'tek

Get them - Sha'lokma'kor

Give me that - Vi'toi

Globe shaped device that uses Heat-Seeking sensors to fire upon anything that moves - Tacluchnatagamuntoron (TAC)

Go away from me - Rin'tel'noc

Go away from there! - Kree'ta

Go through the Stargate - A'lada spryng

Goa'uld elite assassin - Ash'rak

Goa'uld guard device - Tacluchnatagamuntoron (TAC)

Goa'uld hand held weapon - Zat'nikatel (ZAT)

Goa'uld implantation ceremony when a Jaffa receives first Symbiote - Prim'ta

Goa'uld Resistance - Tok'ra

Good - Bonnie

Good Luck - Ral tora'ke

Goodbye - Lek tol

Great - Tun'c ma'le

Greeting of respect - Tek'ma'tey

Hello - Kel Sha

Help - Kal'ma

Help me out of here - Noc'ri'ton

Here - Nowe

Honor - Renek

How are you? - Nanb'tu'qua

Hunter - Ash'rak

Hurry up - Shor'wai'e

Hurry up! Now! Now! - Shor'wai'e-Yas-Yas

Hurry! - Bradio

I - Me

I am - Tal'mac

I am honored - Tal'mal'tiak mal we'ia

I die free - Dal Shaka mel

I greet you - Kel Sha

I greet you too - Ba'ja'kakma'te

I won't do that - Tal'chak'amel

Is that for me? - I'ra be'bju

Is this yours? - Re'sapai

It will be so - Kel'sha

Jaffa meditative state, allowing host and symbiote to align their consciousness - Kel-nor-reem

Jaffa training weapon, able to change shapes to resemble other weapons - Ihn'tar

Jetlag - Remoc

Kill them - Sha'lokma'kor

Kneel - Ke'I

Last Right - Ma'l Sharran

Listen - Ni'ya

Listen! - Yo

Mid-range Goa'uld attack vessel - Alkesh

Mi'la tu'tu - Is everything alright?

Mine - Me

Most trusted servant - Lotar

Mother Nature - Oma Desala

My - Me

My name is - Tal'mac

No - Noc

Noble strength - Anise

Not - Ne'nai

Now - Yas

Now go! - Bradio

Obey - Kree tall

One's Soul - Kalash

Our love does not end in death - Tal met pal tien shree...tal'mah

Outcasts - Kresh'taa

Pay attention - Mid'cha

People - Di'bro

People from Earth - Tau'ri

People, welcome them, the gods have come - Di'bro, das weiafei, doo'wa

Revenge by the wearer of horns - Kel mar Tokeem

Right! - Nafi

Rise - Semue

Rise! - Ai'emain!

Sanctuary - Cal'mah

Search - Jankin

See! - Ju'iu

Silence! - Kegalo

Small sphere that records and plays back messages - Vo'cume

So what's up now? - Pa'Kree

Soul - Kalach

Stand up! - Ai'emain!

Stargate - Chaapa'ai

Stay back - Rhe'u

Stay where you are! - Aray Kree

Stop - Yo

Stop it! - Tyger

Stop that! - Kree'ta

Strangers! - Shibio diu

Strength - Teal'c

Super - Tun'c ma'le

Take! - Bi'bo

Tasteful - Bonnie

Tell at once - Jankin

That is yours - Ti'bia

The gods have come - doo'wa

The training ritual of Jaffa - Bashaak

The underworld - Tuat

To enter by infiltration - In'trom popra Cursor're

Traitor - Shol'va

Turn Back - Korush'nai

Unbelievable - Tao've'nu

Understood? - Swaic

Unit of Jaffa currency - Shesh'ta

Very good - Bonniewae

Very weak individual - Hasshak (or Ha'shak)

Victim of Goa'uld technology - Zatarc

Victory or Death - Kaltek sheltak

Village - A'roush

Wait! - Si'nu

Walk on! - Hi'ato

Watch out! - Shimrota

We do not surrender, even in death - Arik tree'ak te kek

We must hide! - Ki'banja'swei

We must leave - Ya'isid ma'gue

Welcome them - das weiafei

Well done - Shal met

Went through the Stargate - A'lada spryng

What do you think you are doing? - Shak'ti'qua

What's that? - Na'binim

What's the matter? - Ya'ol'wa

What's up? - Pa'Kree

Why? - Boni'iqua

World that is no longer populated - Tal'mak

Wow - Sheril'nocin

Yes! - Ti'u

You are here to destroy me - Na'noweia si'taia

You dare?! - Di'dak'dida

You will not be forgotten - Tek mal arik tiak

You won't believe it - Tao've'nu

Yours - Ti'bia

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